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I don't go to the airport that often, cause it's too far from the place I live. But whenever I get the chance to get a clear picture of the sign, I'll remember to change it!
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Military of Taiwan and Republic of China categories[edit]
As the main creator of this nest of categories please allow me to explain the reason for this. (If you can't be bothered to read the long version, the short version is that it is done this way to both respect reality as it is whilst attempting not to upset the political sensitivities of all sides.)
The long version:- The Republic of China existed as the main recognised political entity in China from about 1912 to about 1948 so any files related to the Chinese military of that time can be legitimately and almost uncontroversially be included in categories titled the Republic of China. After 1948 according to the PRC the RoC ceased to exist and today there is no political entity called the Republic of China whatever the authorities on Taiwan may chose to call themselves. Of course the reality is a little different with many nations continuing to recognise those on Taiwan as the legal government of China until the mid to late 1970s. After this point most nations recognised the PRC as the government of China. Today very few countries,not even its closest ally the USA, recognise the RoC as a sovereign state. The PRC has alsoworked hard to pressurise international organisations not to recognise or use the words Republic of China, in order not to offend PRC sensibilities it is now usual to refer to Taiwan rather then the RoC, for example there is no Republic of China at the Olympics but there is/was an entity called Chinese Taipei.
There are four ways to categorise files with regards the military of the RoC/Taiwan, which reflect the different positions taken.
i)There is one China called the PRC, the RoC no longer exists and the forces there are the remenants of a warlord faction which will be integrated the PLA as soon as the malcontents there see sense.
ii)There is one China called the RoC, those calling themselves the PRC are rebels who will be crushed when the beloved homeland is liberated.
iii)There is a nation called Taiwan which exists, its culture, people and language are distinct and independent of that of the mainland. In 1948 its people were brutally invaded by forces fleeing China, who in the intervening years used military force to supress the local people and culture. The nation of Taiwan will throw of the shackles of these invaders and their desire for a single China and will one day chart its own way in the world.
iv)The status quo is a mess of names, interests and sensibilities and is far from perfect, however its the one people have gotten to know and accept so lets turn a blind eye to its inconsistencies and try not upset the apple cart.
The existing cats are organised in such a way as to reflect the fact that an entity called the Republic of China existed between 1911 and 1948. That an entity exists in Taiwan with many of the trappings of a nation state including a military, however these categories are nested in such a way so as to reflect the fact of a single China whilst at the same time trying to maintain the differences between the two.
In my opinion any attempt that implys the continued existence of the RoC after 1948 is likely to inflame those who lean towards the PRC. Any attempt to deny the existence of a polity in Taiwan that sees itself as the legitmate government of China will inflame the majority of those in Taiwan. Any attempt that there are two soverign nations one called China and one called Taiwan will inflame both a majority in Taiwan and China.
Like the world we live in the status quo with regards these categories here on Commons has natural inconsistencies, and cannot satisfy the opinions and hopes of everybody. However thus far the status quo seems to have worked so lets not upset the apple cart.KTo288 (talk) 17:09, 7 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Thank you for your answer and the link to Wikipedia Naming conventions (Chinese)-Republic of China, Taiwan, and variations thereof. Although I was previously unaware of it, I find it wise, succint and an accurate summary of the situation as I understand it. Actually I'm surprised that you haven't included the link on the discussion pages of those categories you are seeking to move as it seems a pretty persuasive arguement, if I ever need to edit an article on Taiwan at Wikipedia I now know where to look for guidance.
This is not Wikipedia, and sage as that guidance is, these are not articles that we are talking about, even so I do not hesitate in endorsing most of its advice (the one area I would dispute would be:- "Text should treat the Republic of China as a sovereign state with equal status with the People's Republic of China.'" which is itself disputed at the page itself.
Where we differ then is in how we would implement these guidelines. With an article what is used is language and constructions of words to create pictures and to express ideas. Commons does not deal with words, but with pictures and those pictures can create ideas and narratives in the mind of the observer. On commons pages, words in the form of introductions and captions can maybe help steer the direction of the narrative. However with categories unless you work very hard the order in which images are presented cannot be controlled and you have no control over the narrative. What control we do have over what and how an observer sees an image comes from categorisation.
I will use Category:Air force of Taiwan to illustrate this,as this was the category that first alerted me to your concerns. If we were to have one and only one category for this topic, then I think I would have to agree with you and move its contents to a category called Category:Air Force of the Republic of China. However that would be tantamount to saying you can only write an article using one sentence or one paragraph.
In articles, we use sentences to express a single idea, and paragraphs to link these ideas to create a theme. When done well these disparate paragraphs join to create a narrative. On Commons we don't have sentences and paragraphs but we do have categories and the taxonomic tree.
Within the tree indvidual files belong to or should belong to at least one category. However just as an article is not a jumble of haphazard unrelated sentences, Commons is not a mess of individual unrelated categories. Categories themselves can belong to categories which in turn belong to other categories. Any file that belongs to a category belongs to every category that that category belongs to and so on. So since the category Air force of Taiwan is a sub category of Air Force of the Republic of China every file presently in Air force of Taiwan also belongs to the category Air Force of the Republic of China, which in turn is a sub category of Category:Air force of China.
The wikipedia page offers the construction "Republic of China (Taiwan)" as a way to disambiguate between the pre 1949 entity and the current entity calling itself the "Republic of China", and this is exactly what is being done in the way the current categories are organised.
Hi. The Portuguese for "The image gallery documents the search for the aircraft?" is "Esta galeria de imagens mostra a busca pelos destroços do avião" or "Esta galeria de imagens mostra a busca pelo avião". What is aircraft? Is the airplane? Or is the airplane after an accident?--Eduardoferreira (talk) 13:55, 4 June 2009 (UTC)[reply]
I think there are many spokesperson for Naval and Aeronautical Social Communication Center. I think one possibility is to use Vice-Chief for Social Communication Center. Give me an example for use to Deputy head for me to see if it is appropriate. Specifically in case of Jorge Amaral, he is a colonel, so you can call him as Colonel Jorge Amaral, vice-chief for Social Communication Center of Brazilian Air Force.--Eduardoferreira (talk) 00:26, 7 June 2009 (UTC)[reply]
The portuguese for this "These photographs document the search for possible survivors, as well as for mortal remains, debris and the flight recorders from the crashed plane." can be: Estas fotografias mostram as buscas por possíveis sobreviventes, assim como restos mortais, destroços e a caixa-preta do avião que caiu. So, you can use "Vice-chief" or "Deputy Head". I don´t know which one is more usual. It may depends on the context.--Eduardoferreira (talk) 01:07, 7 June 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Hi. I have a question for you. Look these images: Tab "Fotos", uploaded today, june 6. It has been published by Força Aerea Brasileira, not from "Agencia Brasil". When the picture from FAB is published by Agencia Brasil, we can upload here in commons because the terms of license in Agencia Brasil is Creative Commons. But in the FAB site, the terms of license is All rights reserved. I think we will have to wait for Agencia Brasil to publish some picture from the searches in june 6, to upload here in commons. But, a doubt remains: Like this one published by FAB in June 3 and Busca voo Air France 447 3.jpg. The same picture in Agencia Brasil done by FAB, and the Agencia Brasil is the publisher. We can not upload here in commons presuming that FAB would give permission like to Agencia Brasil? --Eduardoferreira (talk) 02:10, 7 June 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Hi. It seems to be "Esta foto mostra a remoção pela Marinha Brasileira da empenagem que estava no mar pertencente ao AirFrance AirBus A330".--Eduardoferreira (talk) 23:05, 8 June 2009 (UTC)[reply]
It would be better like this: "Esta foto mostra a remoção pela Marinha Brasileira do estabilizador vertical que estava no mar pertencente ao AirFrance AirBus A330". This one is better.--Eduardoferreira (talk) 23:18, 8 June 2009 (UTC)[reply]
I understand your request. I got the email from Mr. Zamprogno. Someone puts the future image of Cindacta 3. Signed by Ícaro Messias 10 June 2009 - 02:24.
Yes... Can be taking stock. But take stock will not seem that is a stock of goods? Balanço in this case have more to be with a resume, a resumé, a trial to condensate the most important facts on the rescue in those ten days. Brigadier Ramon Borges Cardoso making a presentation regarding the ten days of rescue activities of the bodies from the victims of the Air France Flight 447, executed by BAF aircrafts, France and United States. At his side, comandant of the 3rd Naval District, vice-almirant Edison Lawrence Dantas. <-- Maybe like this, something like this.--Eduardoferreira (talk) 13:13, 16 June 2009 (UTC)[reply]
In the Lone Star College-North Harris article, could you take a wonderful picture of LSC-Greenspoint Center and upload it. The current image on the page is from an fall schedule article, plus the naming on the pic present is not completely 100% correct in the order as seen. Thanks 00:54, 14 August 2009 (UTC)
It is not necessary to be an administrator: any registered user on French WP is allowed to upload images. However, you may find it difficult if you do not understand French, as the upload procedure is only in French. So, uploading an image to French WP is very similar to Commons; the main difference is about licences: for these images, you need two licences : the first is related to the building : {{Fair use bâtiment récent}}, and the second is the original licence given by the photographer; see for instance [1], one of my pictures, as an example. If you are in trouble with categorization, miss it out. If you need more details, feel free to leave me a message. Thanks, Croquant (talk) 06:04, 3 October 2009 (UTC)[reply]
I forgot something important: some architects explicitly prohibit any reproduction of their works, for instance Ieoh Ming Pei for the Louvre Pyramid; such images should not be uploaded to French WP. For Millau viaduct, I am not sure about the architect's position; I try to find it out. Croquant (talk) 06:40, 3 October 2009 (UTC)[reply]
It is not possible to take those pictures: in Italy there is no such thing like "freedom of panorama", and that means it is not legally possible to take a picture of buildings whose architect has not been dead for 70 years. --TcfkaPanairjdde (talk) 17:08, 7 October 2009 (UTC)[reply]
What you fail to understand is that if I take a picture of a modern building and I publish it (directly or undirectly), even in a country where modern buildings photos are freely publishable, I am committing a crime in Italy. I dont' know where are you from, but if you upload an "illegal" mp3 onto a computer in country X and distribute it there, you are still liable according to the law of the country you live. --TcfkaPanairjdde (talk) 16:20, 12 October 2009 (UTC)[reply]
"Would the courts really make a big deal about this case?" This is not the point, it would be nonetheless a crime and people willing to help you should be aware of this.
"one could get around it by asking that only non-Italian citizens fulfill the request" they would be liable of the same crime, even if obviously only those living in Italy would be actually persecuted. --TcfkaPanairjdde (talk) 21:52, 12 October 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Congratulations on getting the image passed. I received your message only after the bot marked the image. At least you got a response from the uploader. Some people on flickr that one contact (for license changes) totally ignore you sadly. Regards, --Leoboudv (talk) 00:31, 26 October 2009 (UTC)[reply]
If no one translates the descriptions of those Air France 447 images, than we do not consider them necessary. Please do not copy your list again. --h-stt!?08:50, 18 March 2010 (UTC)[reply]
H-stt, I am not spamming the list. The list was very long and it takes a long time for the list to be completed. It's not that nobody wants to do it. On the contrary. Look at what happens to the list as I post it again and again. It gets smaller. And smaller. And smaller. And smaller. As more of the list is done, it gets closer to completion, it is a long work in progress, not a list nobody wants to touch.
I will repost the list until it is totally finished, or unless someone reverts the bot every time it tries to archive the list.
You post a list of tasks repeatedly to motivate others to do something for you. You do it a few times and it looks harmless. But have you thought what happens if others or even everyone does it? And of course you consider it successful, it always is for the first one or the first few. But once this method gets picked up by more people it has the potential to destroy the whole medium. That's the very definition of spam and that's what makes you a spammer. You copied your reply to my message to three separate places (here, my talk page and my talk page on de-WP) - do you even notice what you are doing, spammer! Stop this crap immediately, revert your spam and never do it again. Otherwise I will have to resort to the infallible method of Paul Tomblim: „Hire a hitman to kill the poster, his wife and kids, and fuck his dog and smash his computer into little bits. Anything more is just extremism.“ --h-stt!?12:51, 18 March 2010 (UTC) PS: If I write here, I read here. There is no need to answer anywhere else.[reply]
Hello. I just wanted to let you know that I have grantedautopatrol rights to your account; the reason for this is that after a review of some of your contributions, I believe you are sufficiently trustworthy to have your contributions automatically sighted. This will have no affect on your editing, and is simply intended to help users watching RecentChanges to find unproductive edits amidst the productive ones. Thank you. The Evil IP address (talk) 01:55, 21 March 2010 (UTC)[reply]
There seems to be a problem regarding the description and/or licensing of this particular file. It has been found that you've added in the image's description only a Template that's not a license and although it provides useful information about the image, it's not a valid license. Could you please resolve this problem, adding the license in the image linked above? You can edit the description page and change the text. Uploading a new version of the file does not change the description of the file. This page may give you more hints on which license to choose. Thank you.
This message was added automatically by Nikbot, if you need some help about it, ask its master (Filnik) or go to the Commons:Help desk. --Filnik 20:42, 18 April 2010 (UTC)
Hi! Regarding you QI nomination of DouglassESYellowstoneAcademyHoustonTX.JPG pls see below a few hints. The Wikipedia article on Chromatic aberration has a brief explanation on how to avoid or correct it. If you google for it you will find several tutorials (there is a step by step tutorial on youtube as well). Same with Perspective distortion, but this one is much easyer to correct. If you don't have a comprehensive graphic software (i.e.Photoshop or Photo-Paint), there are freewares around which can do the job. You can find some suggestions of freeware for tackling perspective distortion here. Regarding composition: if there are ugly wires in your way you cannot avoid, is still preferable to try get them not overlap the most important features of the subject (i.e. top decoration, clock). It is also unclear why the present framing was chosen, why is not possible to see more of the building? Hope these hints help. I would suggest retaking the picture from a beter angle, so that the wires don't disturb so much and the subject building is better visible. --Elekhh (talk) 03:18, 23 May 2010 (UTC)[reply]
Thank you for your kind words. It seemed strange that nobody had photographed it given all the images uploaded at the airport, yet I suppose the building looks to temporary and unlike a corporate head (in true budget airline ethos) office that it doesn't generally inspire photography. Mtaylor848 (talk) 17:23, 24 September 2010 (UTC)[reply]
Hey, only checked my Commons talkpage today. Sorry, I don't live in Taiwan and have no plans to go there in the near future. So I can't help you to take the CI headquarters. BTW, I live in Singapore. :) Terence (talk) 16:18, 3 October 2010 (UTC)[reply]
Sorry, I can't fulfill your request again. Airline House is within the boundaries of Changi Airport and thus it's a protected area. As for SIA Training Centre, it is guarded and photography is not allowed. Terence (talk) 08:06, 4 October 2010 (UTC)[reply]
A protected area in Singapore means that you are not allowed to go and take photos along the fence, technically. If caught, you will be asked to delete the photo and can be charged if you are a repeat offender. Airline House is right in the smack of the protected place so I am unable to fulfill your photo request in any circumstances. It's almost impossible to get ramp access or access within the restricted areas of Changi Airport. Singapore is very strict on such matters, any trespassing of a protected place means you can be charged in court. BTW, Airline House is NOT visible from the runway. That building is one of the many facilities SIA has on the grounds of Changi Airport. SIA Training Centre is located outside Changi Airport. Terence (talk) 04:19, 6 October 2010 (UTC)[reply]
Yea, that's one of the any buildings on the airport grounds. They are very strict about taking photos of protected places due to the threat of terrorism globally. Security and photography at airports at the fence is stricter than most countries. Terence (talk) 19:02, 9 October 2010 (UTC)[reply]
I've done it for Paris, Madrid, Vienna and Berlin (french, spanish, russian, german, italian). Hamburg 'n others... i'll do soon. PS: you're welcome, of course ;-) --Локомотив21:17, 7 October 2010 (UTC)[reply]
There's extremely little point in marking up descriptions with language tagging unless there are multiple descriptions in different languages to choose from. Certain automated tools do add such tags (often incorrectly!), but there's no particular reason to emulate them in manual edits... AnonMoos (talk) 10:23, 22 November 2010 (UTC)[reply]
Do you really think that all five million images, or whatever (with more being added all the time) are going to be given captions in multiple languages in any determinate amount of time?? I see little reason to make preparations for such hypothetical future contingencies, which can instead be easily dealt with when the time actually comes... AnonMoos (talk) 12:14, 22 November 2010 (UTC)[reply]
File:FCIMilan.jpg has been listed at Commons:Deletion requests so that the community can discuss whether it should be kept or not. We would appreciate it if you could go to voice your opinion about this at its entry.
If you created this file, please note that the fact that it has been proposed for deletion does not necessarily mean that we do not value your kind contribution. It simply means that one person believes that there is some specific problem with it, such as a copyright issue. Please see Commons:But it's my own work! for a guide on how to address these issues.
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File:FDC_Miami.jpg has been listed at Commons:Deletion requests so that the community can discuss whether it should be kept or not. We would appreciate it if you could go to voice your opinion about this at its entry.
If you created this file, please note that the fact that it has been proposed for deletion does not necessarily mean that we do not value your kind contribution. It simply means that one person believes that there is some specific problem with it, such as a copyright issue. Please see Commons:But it's my own work! for a guide on how to address these issues.
Please remember to respond to and – if appropriate – contradict the arguments supporting deletion. Arguments which focus on the nominator will not affect the result of the nomination. Thank you!
So you know, Stewards are put under Confirmation and are reviewed. Such statements that Thogo made are unacceptable for Stewards to make and can be grounds for termination. As you can see here, he attempts to bully anyone who points out his abusive behavior, verifying more that he needs to be removed. Please remember his conduct for the review so we can ensure that he no longer has power in which to push an such poor claims in such an incivil manner in the future. Please watch yourself until then, as he made it clear he will try to bully and intimidate any others until the point he is removed. Ottava Rima (talk) 18:22, 18 December 2010 (UTC)[reply]
Pictures of buildings around Schiphol airport[edit]
Hi WhisperToMe, I have taken a number of pictures as you asked me to do. Please see my user page, they're the latest additions. Best regards, MartinD (talk) 12:55, 14 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
User:D-Kuru/licence is not the end. I'm planning {{User:D-Kuru/mpt}} for a long time now. "mpt" means "multi purpose template". This template will be usable for everything (considering what I need and use). Multiple languages will one of the things which will be included due to time. However, so far I don't really have time to care about the template. So, yes I want to have my template in multiple langues but it would make no sence when it looks completely different in a half year. So far it is not very useful to translate the template. But when I'm finished I will contact you again.
Congratulations on saving that image of the McLaine home on a "cc by sa" license. It seemed like an important historical image. Its too bad that the building is destroyed today sadly. Best Regards, --Leoboudv (talk) 07:54, 3 March 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Photo requests fulfilled in Montgomery, Alabama[edit]
Hey, I got the pictures you requested. I love taking 'em so, anything you need done near Auburn, Alabama, I'd love to do it. Thanks, User:SaveRivers (talk
EVEN MORE Photo requests fulfilled in Auburn, Alabama[edit]
Auburn Police Department and Auburn Public Safety Department
Auburn Public Library
Auburn City Schools Administration Building
Auburn Post Office
Lee County Courthouse Auburn Satellite Office
Lee County Sheriff's Department Offices and Headquarters
Auburn High School
Auburn Junior High School
Dean Road Elementary School
Wrights Mill Road Elementary School
Cary Woods Elementary School
Richland Elementary School
Ogletree Elementary School
Yarbrough Elementary School
Sorry it took me awhile. I still have a few more to do, I promise I'll get to them.
Almost everything you asked for (and more!) in Wetumpka, Montgomery and Pike Road, Alabama[edit]
Pike Road Branch Library, Pike Road, Alabama
Georgia Washington Junior High School, Mt. Meigs, AL
The main intersection (Pike Rd. & US 80) in Mt. Meigs, AL
The Post Office in Mt. Meigs, AL
The Montgomery Public Schools Headquarters in Montgomery, AL
Juliette Hampton Morgan Memorial Library (aka The Montgomery Main Library) in Montgomery, Alabama
50 North Ripley St. in Montgomery houses a variety of state offices including the Alabama Department of Education and State of Alabama Department of Revenue
The Wetumpka, Alabama Post Office
City Hall in Wetumpka, Alabama
Julia Tutwiler Prison for Women in Wetumpka, Alabama
The Elmore County Courthouse in Wetumpka, Alabama
Almost everything you asked for (and more!) in Opelika, Alabama[edit]
Opelika City Hall
Opelika Chamber of Commerce
Opelika Post Office
The Lewis Cooper Jr. Memorial Library
Southern Union State Community College Opelika Campus
Opelika City Schools Board of Education
Opelika High School
Opelika Middle School
Morris Avenue Intermediate School
Northside Intermediate School
West Forest Intermediate School
Carver Primary School
Jeter Primary School
Southview Primary School
4 more pics of buildings at Schiphol airport uploaded[edit]
If you created the content yourself, enter {{Own}} as the source. If you did not add a licensing template, you must add one. You may use, for example, {{self|GFDL|cc-by-sa-all}} or {{Cc-zero}} to release certain rights to your work.
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Hi, thank you for your attention to my personal category but I'm displeased with your change. I'm Kizu Naoko and that is the sole proper name in my ethnicity which you have no authority to change. That is not what I was named and I've been used. I'm very offended with your change, even if it comes from genuine goodwill. I don't want you to change my name and neglect my ethnicity. OK? You neglect my ethnicity and my identity. I'd like you to make them back to the proper original order. Thanks. --Aphaia (talk) 00:41, 21 May 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Responded on talk page. As a note to third parties, it is standard in the media of European languages (English, French, Spanish, etc.) to use family name last with modern day Japanese names (even though in the Japanese language family name comes first) - This practice is widely acknowledged in Japan and abroad. From my understanding, most Japanese do not find this offensive (or else they would not tolerate Anglophone media switching around the names) - This is not considered altering of an actual person's name, just a different presentation (Naoto Kan vs. Kan Naoto, with Kan being the family name).
Aphaia has expressed a preference for using family name first in European languages as well as Japanese. I am fine with it on user talk pages, talk pages, user pages, etc. But I have reservations against treating one Japanese person's name differently than other Japanese persons' names on the File/Image and Mainspace areas (Example: Category:Naoto Kan).
File:NTSBsm_seal.gif has been listed at Commons:Deletion requests so that the community can discuss whether it should be kept or not. We would appreciate it if you could go to voice your opinion about this at its entry.
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This message was added automatically by Nikbot, if you need some help about it please read the text above again and follow the links in it, if you still need help ask at the →Commons:Help desk in any language you like to use. --Nikbot 19:38, 1 July 2011 (UTC)
Of course, no problem. Just I´m not sure how to create the page. Sould I add "/es" to the english name? Cheers. --Andrea (talk) 16:57, 12 July 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Hi. I finish two of the three templates. Also I create a page where you can see them. Feel free to add any policy, template or anything else you think it needs to be translated. Maybe could take some time, but eventually I´ll do it :) Cheers. --Andrea (talk) 21:54, 13 July 2011 (UTC)[reply]
I did it but apparently Foroa id it first :) Add the request in my Workshop, I watch it permanently and use Commons daily. Cheers. --Andrea (talk) 22:22, 15 July 2011 (UTC)[reply]
OK, I'll be happy to retrieve my claim you are a racist, but only if you show it by your own action. Because of your change, now Commons uploader haven't suggested me my own preferences. I don't like it boy, okay?
Fix my category right now. It's my own choice and preferences. Your preferences don't matter here. You have no right to push your own POV. If you deny, you are a racist pushing Asian people to obey "your stanrdard". --Aphaia (talk) 13:00, 31 July 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Well, I had great luck with the weather ;-). I decided to go out earlier to the airport to do the photos and pretty much immediately after I left it started to rain. So I gave up to also go to the Finnair head office again for pics without snow. By the time I finally boarded at the other end of the airport the weather was fine again and the streets dry. -- Cecil (talk) 01:13, 13 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Forgot to mention, it seems as if Finnair is building a new head office. Right next to the old building (if you look at the south-side pic where you can see the beginning of a parking lot) they currently work on a new building (currently it is only a big hole in the ground) and while I couldn't read the text while driving by in the bus the picture shows that the result will be a huge modern-looking (lots of glass) office building. -- Cecil (talk) 15:52, 13 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]
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I am sorry I can't help you. You might want scanning the internet at flickr, panoramio, igougo, and virtual tourist, or similar sites. Mercy11 (talk) 02:32, 23 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Hi, about the spanish translations, my spanish is very rusted and I will not be able to really help you. I hope you will able to find someone else. Regards. Lionel Allorge (talk) 04:40, 25 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Responded. I am well aware that France has no FOP - The request list covers other Wikimedia projects too, so fair use images may be requested there WhisperToMe (talk) 20:31, 31 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
I had to go to a work facility near Lakeland, so I stopped by and snapped this picture with my cellphone. I also grabbed one going by the highway side of the complex from my car, but as I believe it's illegal to stop and take pictures, I got it while moving and it is into the sun so it's not great. I can drive by again sometime with my real camera if these aren't good enough. Legoloonie (talk)
Not a problem. I know the picture of the headquarters building is awful, and I do work out there by Lakeland once and a while, so I may bring my better camera to try my best. That said, it is a gated campus on several acres of land, and I'm not sure how successful I'll be in approaching the building. Legoloonie (talk)
I see what you mean, next time I will try from the entrance ramp there. Don't know when I'll next be in Polk County though. Legoloonie (talk)
I got another picture, although once I got back to my computer the fenceposts seemed really annoying. I 'photoshopped' them out, but I'm not sure if that is a faux pas here on the Commons (and my Gimp skills aren't very finely tuned). Feel free to revert the file to the version with the fenceposts if that is preferable. Legoloonie (talk)
as per your request at the Illustration Workshop. Is this what you wanted?
Even though the colors of the Wiki puzzle-sphere are not the same as those of the flag (background)?
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This message was added automatically by Nikbot, if you need some help about it please read the text above again and follow the links in it, if you still need help ask at the →Commons:Help desk in any language you like to use. --Nikbot 00:55, 15 March 2012 (UTC)
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This message was added automatically by Nikbot, if you need some help about it please read the text above again and follow the links in it, if you still need help ask at the →Commons:Help desk in any language you like to use. --Nikbot 03:19, 16 June 2012 (UTC)
Some pics I shot at Landvetter airport today. The building you requested is hopefully on it. There weren't that many. But as usually when I'm running around on airports with the camera it seems to rain. If you have time please also adapt the descriptions. Don't have much time. My next flight to Keflavik is leaving in 14 hours and I still need to wash my clothes and undpack and then pack again. -- Cecil (talk) 21:56, 17 June 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Oh, and thanks to the wonderful weather in Helsinki I've made some new pictures of the head office of Finnair and of the new head office building in progress. As wifi is free at the Helsinki airport I managed to upload them with 10 minutes to spare until boarding to Iceland. You'll find them in the Category:Finnair head office. There should be ten; 5 of the old building and 5 of the new one. -- Cecil (talk) 11:54, 18 June 2012 (UTC)[reply]
There seems to be a problem regarding the description and/or licensing of this particular file. It has been found that you've added in the image's description only a Template that's not a license and although it provides useful information about the image, it's not a valid license. Could you please resolve this problem, adding the license in the image linked above? You can edit the description page and change the text. Uploading a new version of the file does not change the description of the file. This page may give you more hints on which license to choose. Thank you.
This message was added automatically by Nikbot, if you need some help about it please read the text above again and follow the links in it, if you still need help ask at the →Commons:Help desk in any language you like to use. --Nikbot 18:46, 3 August 2012 (UTC)
Thanks for the link to the Template:Districts of Beijing. I'll add soon some other langswitches soon... But before I have to resolve a tech problem: there are 3 or 4 days that Commons (and not Wikipedia or other) runs (too much) slowly. Anyway, thanks again ;-) and regards. --Dэя-Бøяg01:31, 1 September 2012 (UTC)[reply]
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I just discovered the Template:Requested translations-page and saw that you (I think) had posted links to some files. I have now added Swedish translations to theese images:
Thank you so much for doing them! Generally I post Swedish and Finnish (as Swedish is commonly spoken in Finland) related images and media to the section, so they all get descriptions in the Swedish language
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Thank you for reminding me. I didn't realise that I hadn't given it a description at the time. I also placed a 'SVG available' template, so that people can use that one when they need to scale it to suit their needs. Cheers, --B. Jankuloski (talk) 06:40, 23 October 2012 (UTC)[reply]
File:Military Museum of Xinjiang signboard in Uyghur-Mandarin.jpg[edit]
Hi WhisperToMe! Could you please take a look? Are the name of this file and it's use in the articles correct? According to the file description the woman seems to be the Marguerite's mother, Louise de Savoie. Regards, Sealle (talk) 10:19, 13 November 2012 (UTC)[reply]
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Thanks for your interest in that Wikiproject. The main problem is that it had a lot of activity in the time-frame 2007 to 2008 but it has had no further development since then. I do not see the advantage of working on it if noone will read these pages. Best regards, Alpertron (talk) 20:04, 30 December 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Hello, WhisperToMe. About Sealle's request above. I'd like to attract your attention to this file. I have some serious doubts about its truthfulness, or rather about the truthfulness of its description. (I've also posted this on the file's talk page. I was directed to you later.)
The photographer claims this photo was taken two hours before the crash of the depicted airplane (more details about the crash). The metadata says it's 10:32. Aparently the time is UTC. It can't be Eastern European (Poland) time zone because then it would mean that it was taken 40 minutes before the airplane took off. It means that the local time was 11:32. In the Northern hemisphere the noon sun should be roughly at the South or South-East. And, if the airplane is flying East or North-East (as the route suggests) the sun should be illuminating the airplane's starboard. However, on the photograph, the sun is aparently shining from the quarter port side (you can see the sun reflection on the left side of the windshield). This implies that the airplane is either flying West in the afternoon, or is flying East in the morning in the Southern hemisphere. Do I understand this part correctly? It is also very suspicious that such a unique shot wasn't used by any news agencies or published on plane-spotters websites. I believe the reason for that is that both of those require the original photograph with genuine metadata. I'm not sure what to do with these doubts, so I thought I'd talk to the Commons' bureaucrat. Could you please take a look? Since I've contacted a few people already, maybe it would be wise to move the discussion to the file's talk page where it started? Thank you. Leo711 (talk) 20:47, 1 January 2013 (UTC)[reply]
About your request for the Air China office in Helsinki. The office is in the Kaivotalo. In the inner city of Helsinki pretty much every building has a name. Talo is the Finnish word for house. Kaivo stands for fountain. There is a big fountain in the inner court of the building. The building next to Kaivotalo is Makkaratalo, Sausage house, thanks to the weird sausage-like construction surrounding the building. Anyway there is already a nice image of the building here since 2007. Unless you have more special requests I would say that request is solved. -- Cecil (talk) 04:05, 29 January 2013 (UTC)[reply]
I used the original MPEG2 file and converted it to WebM. Therefore the audio is fixed and the quality and resolution is better. Thanks for the subtitles. I moved them to the new file. I hope this is ok. --McZusatz (talk) 10:35, 2 March 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Regarding the Request for Macedonian for Template:Closed captions[edit]
Thanks a lot for the notification! I am still in the dark about the context of this and what end it is supposed to serve, but translated it with pleasure. Cheers --B. Jankuloski (talk) 09:12, 6 April 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Comment I don't know what befell me to be so clumsy, I've done this sort of thing so many times. I believe that it is all fully translated now. Glad to see the possibility for translation. It will be most useful. Thanks a lot. --B. Jankuloski (talk) 01:51, 7 April 2013 (UTC)[reply]
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He, WhisperToMe. There're some inaccuracies here.[4]
I see somebody else as the translator. No matter what they say on usgs.gov.
Please see this [5] "Preuredio: Tomislav Kraljević; Bully." Uploaded on hr.wiki on Aug 2, 2007.
The material from usgs.gov is from [6] 07-Mar-2013.
Did they separately translated and came to same results, I don't know.
Anyway, they made one big mistake. The words on the picture must be written with small letters, not with capitals. So it goes: "oceani, površinske vode, isparavanje, zalihe podzemne vode, etc." not Oceani, Površinske vode, Isparavanje, Zalihe podzemne vode etc.
Greetings, Kubura (talk) 04:37, 24 June 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Great idea! No clue if my English and understanding of the ATC issues let me do it. Listening to this
many times I wished there was a transcript :) « Saper // @talk » 21:54, 7 July 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Please serve yourself and let me know if something should be changed/improved. I was a bit in a hurry when taking the photographs (dusk was falling), and I am evaluating RAW-converters with these pictures :-)
Hello WhisperToMe, I am not sure where to write to you, so you may see this message double. I noticed you wrote on a page that if any task needs to be done you could be asked for it. I am a member of the international team of Wiki Loves Monuments who takes care of the upload campaigns used with the picture contest Wiki Loves Monuments next month. For these upload campaigns we need to translate some templates into various languages so that as much as possible people can participate in their own language. My question is if you can have a look at th:วิกิพีเดีย:สถานทูตวิกิมีเดีย#Translation_requests_into_Thai where I posted a message with specific lines to translate into Thai. Maybe I didn't wrote it on the right place but can you have a look at it for me and translate it? Thanks! Romaine (talk) 14:09, 5 August 2013 (UTC)[reply]
East offices of Investigation Bureau for Railway, Funicular and Boat Accidents (IRFBA) - Uitikonerstr. 9 8952 Schlieren[edit]
Concerning your request on [Commons] for the East offices of/stützpunkt Ost/bureaux est de/Sede Est Investigation Bureau for Railway, Funicular and Boat Accidents (IRFBA) - Uitikonerstr. 9 8952 Schlieren:
I visited this place today but was not even able to tell which part of the building complex is Uitikonerstr. 9 . I took some pictures, but I don't think they are worth showing, and I can't tell where the office was located (I did find house number 11, but not 9, most of the buildings are part of a shoping center). --Cmdr Zod (talk) 16:38, 1 September 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Please check the date on File:CVHSFourthWard.JPG and other uploads. This file's JPEG meta-data has an obviously-bogus date of 2013 that got picked up by the Upload Wizard. Please change the file description page with the actual date (if known) or the approximate date ("sometime in August or September 2013" for example). Davidwr (talk) 17:46, 6 November 2013 (UTC)[reply]
I see here you're interested by French head offices photographies.
Please let me know if you see something to shoot in the Maubeuge (59600) and surroundings (primarily Jeumont, Marpent, Louvroil). I've some photos to take in these 4 places next weeks. --Dereckson (talk) 23:24, 22 December 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Permanent Representation of the Russian Federation to the Council of Europe, 75, allee de la Robertsau, 67000 Strasbourg ?
I live close to SBX and could take a picture.
Question: I need some pictures from LA. I saw, where to ask for that, however, what is the resonse time and how are people informed when a photo has been taken? Looking forward to hearing from you. Grey Geezer (talk) 14:29, 20 February 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Hi there! As I'm currently travelling around in Bolivia, I saw your picture request and went to take a snap of the head office of Amaszonas. The office was closed and the light wasn't so good but seeing how disappointed I've been with the building, I don't think I'll ever return there to take another snap. I hope that the one I've uploaded will suit you anyways. Cheers! --Christopher Crouzet (talk) 23:33, 11 May 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Have the pictures of the new head office of Finnair. They are a bit dark, was still rather early.
Also I went to the coordinates you gave me for Stockholm Arlanda. It's on airport property and I wasn't in the mood to climb over barbwire so no access. There was nothing that screamed headquarters. The coordinates themselves seem to be on the tarmac so the photos are of the surrounding buildings. The first two photos are from outside the airport property. Upstairs is the terminal with gates 29-36 and restaurants, but downstairs I could see through the windows on the left side of the building and there are offices inside (only they were empty which is a bit weird for a Monday). I later went to gate 26 and from there I photographed the buildings on the other side of the tarmac. In my opinion they don't look much like office buildings. Maybe the headquarters is spread over the whole airport.
Your Air China flight 129 illustration request[edit]
Hello, WhisperToMe. A reply to your request at the Illustration Workshop has been made. You may view your reply here. If you are satisfied, please copy/paste the following code and add it to your request: {{resolved|1=~~~~}}
Hello, WhisperToMe. A reply to your request at the Illustration Workshop has been made. You may view your reply here. If you are satisfied, please copy/paste the following code and add it to your request: {{resolved|1=~~~~}}
Translation added. Regarding the plane image that was added, it was not the plane that crashed, and I don't know from what era was that plane with red strips. Garuda has always (to my knowledge) has distinctive blue tail, including the crashed plane, such as in the report here: [7]. Putting that image would be misleading. Btw, I can't find the casualties information (name, nationality, etc.) other than their sexes in the report or other places. Is that customary to left out the personal details of the casualties? (even their nationality would be considered common in more recent plane crashes, such as the Malaysian MAS accidents). Bennylin (yes?) 15:23, 21 November 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Thank you for uploading File:Downtown Ferndale mi.jpg to the Wikimedia Commons. I noticed that when you uploaded from another Wikimedia project, you left out some important information, or copied it incorrectly. In the future, please consider using CommonsHelper, a tool which automates the process of moving files over. Thank you,
An admin propose to delete File:Rue Serpollet, 26.jpg for No COM:FOP#France. It is (or it was) an office of Charlie hebdo (but not the office of the shot of last week). May you put an advice to keep the photo. For me, the building is not an original creation but an ordinary building.
About galleries inside categories, I added another explanation here : Commons talk:WikiProject Gallery pages. Perhaps may you add also an advice there. Thanks. --Tangopaso (talk) 22:04, 14 January 2015 (UTC)[reply]
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Hi! Are you interested in doing a Rotterdam photo request? If so, I would like to have somebody take a photo of the en:Rotterdam Japanese School at Verhulstlaan 19 3055WJ, Rotterdam. Are you interested in doing this?
Thanks, WhisperToMe (Overleg) 05:22, 5 April 2015 (UTC)
Hi WhisperToMe! I am very honoured you ask me to make a photo from the Japanese School in Rotterdam. I am living in Arnhem (100 km east from Rotterdam) and I regularly go by train and mountain bike to everywhere in my country. I really don't know when the possibility for me will be to go to Rotterdam. I am seriously interested but I realize User:1Veertje lives in Rotterdam and she is able to make good photos.
Greetings, --Michielverbeek (talk) 07:40, 5 April 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Ok! I will try to take in the next days. I live relatively close to the Liceo and some other points listed in the links. Regards, --Wotancito (talk) 03:09, 27 April 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Dear Whisper, unfortunately not because I was busy in the Wikimedia Conference. I will try it coming back to Mexico City! :) --Wotancito (talk) 11:06, 16 May 2015 (UTC)[reply]
I might well be able to do it ... I have been thinking, with the warmer (well, today, theoretically warmer) weather coming in, of going down there to take some pictures. I could add yours to my routine. What are you interested in? Daniel Case (talk) 19:55, 24 April 2015 (UTC)[reply]
"Charlatan University" in Chinese is same with the "diploma mills" in English, the all schools under this category are diploma mills in Shanghai--Fayhoo (talk) 06:32, 29 June 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Is there a reason why you didn't use a tool/bot when transferring this image? It's a pain when preserving the attribution history without it. – czar19:57, 29 July 2015 (UTC)[reply]
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Hello! I thank you and I'm glad your request to make of the photos in Rome! Unfortunately, tomorrow I leave for the holidays (I'm going to Catanzaro, another Italian city wonderful!), Then, the photos that you have requested I could do on my return to Rome, in the first days of September, if that's okay! I greet you! --Nicholas Gemini (talk) 15:39, 16 August 2015 (UTC)[reply]
No, I'm sorry, I usually take pics only in Tuscany. Next month I will be in Lombardy, but in Mantua, not in Milan. Best regards.--Carnby (talk) 15:53, 16 August 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Hi. In answer to your query, I live in Perth, Western Australia. I am in a position to take photographs within the area bounded by a line from Geraldton to Kalgoorlie to Esperance and by the coast from Esperance to Geraldton. However, I wouldn't necessarily be able to photograph immediately the parts of that area most distant from Perth. I also travel occasionally to other places in Australia, especially Melbourne, which I visit approximately once each year. Bahnfrend (talk) 12:01, 14 September 2015 (UTC)[reply]
WP-pt is a so hostile environment that I'm preferring to not bring more attention to those articles. The Manaus article was not merged, it was suppressed, until now, nothing have been done to concluded this non sense merge, and all other schools, have very similar structure.
And as I already told you, for taking photos of SPaulo school, it will take a big effort for not that much return, they did not answer a email that I send, a time ago, about taking photos.
@Rodrigo.Argenton: Oh, ok. Thank you for giving me an update on the situation. As for Manaus, I thought it was merged because the information on the article was moved to a larger article about the history of the city of Manaus, and the standalone school page redirects to the history of Manaus. (the edit history of the Manaus school is still there) WhisperToMe (talk) 12:25, 19 November 2015 (UTC)[reply]
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Hi again. Those are all modern buildings so, as Belgium lacks freedom of panorama, their pictures can't be uploaded to Commons. I knew the subterfuge of uploading to Wikipedia in French but not the English one: do they accept non-FoP images over there as well? Another issue is that hanging outside schools in Belgium taking photographs may raise suspicions since the terrorist attacks of Paris last November. That being said, I can get pictures of at least a few of those buildings but I would like to understand better the background of your request. Why are you interested in those buildings? Is this part of a larger project? Do you need a specific feature of each building, general views, aerial views...? --Hispalois (talk) 22:01, 3 March 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Hello. Yes, indeed, it is great news that Belgium has moved to allow freedom of panorama. I am going to take pictures of at least one of those schools and forward your request to Wikimedia Belgium to find other volunteers. Cheers. --Hispalois (talk) 19:18, 24 July 2016 (UTC)[reply]
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Hi there! Yes, I am interested in doing it, but first you should name the buildings that you need and if I am capable of taking those photos, I will do it. — ZōonPolitikón(talk...)00:30, 12 March 2016 (UTC)[reply]
:I can take it soon- :Maybe I can take it soon - : Perhaps I cannot take it soon - I cannot take it soon.
Former Olympic Airlines head office:
Lycée Franco-Hellénique Eugène Delacroix:
Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport and Networks:
Scuola Italiana Statale di Atene:
Philippine School in Greece:
Former campus:
St. Catherine's British School:
American Community Schools:
Air Accident Investigation and Aviation Safety Board:
Aegean Airlines head office:
Olympic Air registered office:
Former Japanese Community School of Athens:
German School of Athens:
Athens International Airport:
Olympic Air head office:
Olympic Air offices:
Goody's head office:
Air Accident Investigation and Aviation Safety Board:
I suppose, it is not that helpful, anyway. I am sorry... Maybe FOP regulations prevent uploading them to the Commons, but for futher information, I will ask some well-informed people of Greek Wikipedia to assist me. — ZōonPolitikón(talk...)11:48, 12 March 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Could you transfer your uploads in Aceh Wikipedia (ace:Special:ListFiles/WhisperToMe) from there to Commons? Or at least add a proper license tag, so that others can use https://tools.wmflabs.org/commonshelper/ . On transfer maybe also change the names of the files from XYZaceh.png to names that are not related to Aceh Wikipedia.
If your files could be deleted in Aceh Wikipedia, then this Wikipedia would be in the group of Wikipedias that have less than 100 local files., 21 May 2016 (UTC)[reply]
As promised, I've taken photos of all five Commerce Independent School District buildings and uploaded them this weekend. Hopefully this is helpful to you!
RE: Photo requests in Varese and Milan[modifica wikitesto][edit]
Hi. I live between Milan and Varese, so if you have a list of requested photos from this zone, please, let me know! Thanks. --Yiyi (Dimmi!) 13:43, 21 October 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Hi! Was at the airport today to take the requested picture. Couldn't get very close to it because of a high fence and security, but since I was already in the area I also took pictures of other buildings. So there are also some of a Catering company, the Jetflite Oy buildings, the Securitas building and the terminal for private flights which I had no idea existed at the other end of the airport area. Managed to get into the empty bus at the same stop as some guy and then we got out at the same stop and since we had exactly the same route until I started taking pictures of the building he disappeared in, it made me feel like crazy stalker girlfriend which is why I didn't try to get closer to the Norra building. I had a hiking group waiting for me and didn't want to get arrested for weird behaviour. - Cecil (talk) 19:42, 5 November 2016 (UTC)[reply]
If you're still looking for photos of some Chicago-based things, let me know. The weather doesn't always make for the greatest photos right now but I can try. Torsodog (talk) 14:31, 3 January 2017 (UTC)[reply]
I looked up the us-census enthicity city maps here on commons (https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Race_and_Ethnicity_by_Eric_Fischer) and noticed that most of them are from 2000. Since im not too much of an expert of all of this on commons, though i like to and did use many images of commons for wikipedia, im wondering if you could upload other maps from 2010 as well as you apparently did with the map of Detroit. That would be fantastic. Thanks a lot !--Joobo (talk) 18:22, 9 February 2017 (UTC)[reply]
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Hello Whisper,
i dont know if you got the notification on your site. i wrote some days ago and posted a link regarding the us city census maps. maybe they can help? in case you are busy right now or something like that, let me know, i then will just go and get in contact with someone else and try to implement some new maps. it would be nice if you could let me know about it, thanks !--Joobo (talk) 20:42, 28 February 2017 (UTC)[reply]
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Hello Whisper. Yes I do take requested photos of Louisiana and I do travel regular to Lafourche Parish. I mainly am in the Thibadoux area but will go anywhere needed for photos.
Just let me know what/where you want photographed.
Z28scrambler (talk)
Hi again, Whisper, after I take these photos, where do you want me to post them or send them or get them to you? Yes I actually can do Terrebonne also am VERY familiar with Terrebonne, more so than Lafourche!
Z28scrambler (talk)
Whisper - OK Thanks I'll start next week. I can also (if interested) do Ascension Parish, Assumption Parish, actually any south-Eastern Louisiana Parish, except in the Greater New Orleans area, I do not know a lot of places down there.
St. Helena, Livingston, East and West Baton Rouge, East and West Feleciana, St. James, St. John, Iberville = All these are good for me.Z28scrambler (talk)
Hey Whisper. I am just asking again if there is any chance for getting more maps like the old mentioned ones. You thanked me once for an edit here but i didnt hear from you since. It would be cool if you could just tell if there is a chance or if its better to ask someone else. Thanks for a response in advance! --Joobo (talk) 12:04, 20 March 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks for responging! Yes it would be great if it could be uploaded, especially that quick. Thanks again for your effort Whisper. --Joobo (talk) 18:33, 20 March 2017 (UTC)[reply]
I saw that Chicago for example wasnt among the uploaded ones, or Washington D.C.. Would be great if you could have another look if you have time free for that :)--Joobo (talk) 09:57, 23 March 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Please find a photograph of the Office Building with the Head office of SkyWork Airlines here: [8]
Feel free to add a matching category for the picture.
Unfortunately, SkyWork Airlines is on the 3rd floor of this office building (I was there on a public holiday, and the building was closed). There is not much from Skywork visible beside two parked cars, and their name on a mailbox and on the info panel in front of the building. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Cmdr Zod (talk • contribs) 22:29, 14 April 2017 (UTC)[reply]
SUST Bereich Bahnen und Schiffe - Monbijoustr. 51 A 3003 Berne[edit]
You requested a picture of the former offices of the SUST Bereich Bahnen und Schiffe - Monbijoustr. 51 A 3003 Berne.
I was there and took a few pictures, but there is definitely nothing to show of (I catched mediocre weather too), the entry to building number 51A is in a backyard and doesn't look to pleasant.
What exactly do you want? A picture of the entry, showing the house number "51A"?
I also took a picture from the front of the whole building (Seems to be 51, and not 51 A), but I can't tell where exactly the office was located.
I can provide a picture of the official sign showing which state department is now in the building, but they have nothing to do with the SUST (It seems to be used by the department of defence right now, SUST belongs to transportation and communication). — Preceding unsigned comment added by Cmdr Zod (talk • contribs) 21:22, 15 April 2017 (UTC)[reply]
The official sign and the building itself both would be fine, and I would like to see any other pictures you took. This is because the same picture can be used in articles related to its new owner. Thanks! @Cmdr Zod: WhisperToMe (talk) 21:34, 15 April 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Please find the entry section here: Entry of administrative building, Monbijoustr. 51A, 3003 Bern I am unsure what other pictures I will upload, there is a parked car with large advertisements on some of the pictures, and I don't like that. I will see if one of my older pictures from this place is better (with more parked cars :-( ) --Cmdr Zod (talk) 14:47, 16 April 2017 (UTC)[reply]
there's {{On Wikidata}} if you want to keep the links to the article on several Wikipedia chapters. No need to duplicate the links in the category. It is at risk of being an obsolete information unless you update it everyday... -- SERGIO(aka the Blackcat)23:36, 5 May 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Hello ! I hope that every thing is OK in China... I have a problem. I uploaded a photo to show the growth of sequoias in 9 years in EuroDisney (interesting !). But a contributor put a DR on it for no-FoP in France. But for me, the main subject of the photo is the growth of the trees, not the building. Can you give your opinion to avoid the DR (if you agree with it). Thank you. --Tangopaso (talk) 23:15, 10 May 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks! Actually, the result is kept. I hope that there will not be another buddy who will put a new DR without looking the talk page. It should be the forth time... Are you yet in Shenzen ? Here we have the new president Macron, 49 years old, unkown 3 years ago. The two main political parties (socialist on left hand, republicains on right hand) were swept out at these elections. All regular politicians seem old-fashioned (and often they are) and dont know what to do. The question is : the workers syndicates (such as CGT) will they accept the reforms that Macron wants to do ? Or will they decide hard strikes which are a French speciality : in 1995, one month with only 20% of the metro in Paris. --Tangopaso (talk) 15:20, 23 May 2017 (UTC)[reply]
@Tangopaso: Yep, I'm still in Shenzhen. I'll be there until late July, when I go back to visit the U.S. I think I will renew my contract so I would return to China in August. One of my students is interested in France and had followed the election closely! WhisperToMe (talk) 17:31, 25 May 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Hello WhisperToMe, we are aware that using the old installation method of VFC (via common.js, which you are using) may not work reliably anymore and can break other scripts as well. A detailed explanation can be found here. Important: To prevent problems please remove the old VFC installation code from your common.js and instead enable the VFC gadget in your preferences. Thanks! --VFC devs (q) 16:23, 22 May 2017 (UTC)[reply]
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I don't know the correct syntax to ping you, thought I did. I've added a lot of photos to my talk page that I thought you might be interested in, plus the photos I captured in/around Colquitt, Georgia. --Mjrmtg (talk) 00:24, 31 July 2017 (UTC)[reply]
I've updated my talk page with cities I'm going to in the first half of this year, plus added some photos I thought might be of interest to you. --Mjrmtg (talk) 02:02, 12 February 2018 (UTC)[reply]
When you uploaded this file, you marked it {{self|cc-by-sa-3.0}}, but stated (correctly) that it was taken by David Smith of Geograph Britain and Ireland. I suspect, though, that since you live in Houston, Texas while David Smith lives in Exeter, Devon, that you're not actually David Smith. Based on that, I removed the {{Self}} template and put in {{Geograph}} instead. If my suspicion is wrong then obviously you should revert this change. --bjh21 (talk) 16:47, 25 August 2017 (UTC)[reply]
@Lotje: I don't know the exact date, but it's probably close to 2012. One of the images with the wrong EXIFs may have a real date in the image, and I suppose a bot could convert the images. WhisperToMe (talk) 10:34, 25 November 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Hi. I've updated my talk page with places I'll be going March - June. This Saturday I'll be in Dublin, Georgia. I've already been there and taken photos back in 2016 but if you can think of anything else in particular, please list on my talk page. Thanks. --Mjrmtg (talk) 23:18, 11 March 2018 (UTC)[reply]
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Round 2 of Picture of the Year 2017 is open![edit]
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Dear WhisperToMe,
Wikimedia Commons is happy to announce that the second round of the 2017 Picture of the Year competition is now open. This year will be the twelfth edition of the annual Wikimedia Commons photo competition, which recognizes exceptional contributions by users on Wikimedia Commons. Wikimedia users are invited to vote for their favorite images featured on Commons during the last year (2017) to produce a single Picture of the Year.
Hundreds of images that have been rated Featured Pictures by the international Wikimedia Commons community in the past year were entered in this competition. These images include professional animal and plant shots, breathtaking panoramas and skylines, restorations of historical images, photographs portraying the world's best architecture, impressive human portraits, and so much more.
There are two total rounds of voting. In the first round, you voted for as many images as you liked. In Round 1, there were 1475 candidate images. There are 58 finalists in Round 2, comprised of the top 30 overall as well as the top 2 from each sub-category.
In the final round, you may vote for a maximum of three images. The image with the most votes will become the Picture of the Year 2017.
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Wow, I am bummed there are no quality, valued, or featured images of Houston. Do you know of any to nominate, or someone local who could take some quality photographs of any Houston sites? -Another Believer (talk) 15:23, 20 May 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Re: Copy of the Ottoman Constitution of 1876[edit]
Hello. Unfortunately i don't have a full copy of the Ottoman Constitution. However, i found these on the German Wiki: 1, 2, 3. I think i might be able to find an Arabic Version, but I'm not 100% sure, I'll let you know if i did.
I noticed the question above concerning the Ottoman postcard. I know some Ottoman Turkish, and if you were wondering about the meaning and how the Arabic -Turkish text is written, its: "Ghalata Rikhtimi", which means: Galata's deck. Best--باسم (talk) 09:19, 18 July 2019 (UTC)[reply]
@باسم: Thank you so much! I was looking for people to transcribe Ottoman text (as in write it out so it can be copied and pasted, especially by people who don't know how to type it) WhisperToMe (talk) 12:44, 18 July 2019 (UTC)[reply]
@Aschroet: I have a VPN I sometimes turn on, especially while I'm in Mainland China. In the US I use a VPN when logging onto Wikipedia (to hide login details from sniffer apps) but I sometimes forget to turn it off. Also in the US I only connect via Wifi as I have no cell service there. WhisperToMe (talk) 17:44, 31 July 2019 (UTC)[reply]
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There is a document on Hathi Trust about en:Danube Vilayet here: // If there's a way to get a PDF of that, it would be great. I do not know if it's the Ottoman Turkish version of the French document File:LoiconstitutiveDanubeVilayet.pdf or if it's a different document entirely. If it's different, an Ottoman Turkish version of "Loi constitutive du département formé sous le nom de vilayet du Danube" would be nice too!
Persian version of the Ottoman Constitution of 1876, which was published from 17 January 1877 in Akhtar
The constitutive law of vilayet of the Danube seems to be published in en:Takvim-i Vekayi, def’a 773, (7 Cemaziyelevvel 1281/8 Ekim 1864). I’m looking for it.
I found the Persian version of the Ottoman Constitution in Akhtar. In the newspaper it says: “Because the constitution law is very detailed and it is not possible to include the whole text here, in this issue we just print the translation of the en:Hatt-i humayun about the approval and signing the law…” I will upload the whole archive to the commons asap. -- Meisam (talk) 11:30, 16 September 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks again! Another law that would be interesting to have: "Author's Rights Act of 1910" (Hakk-ı Telif Kanunu, 2 Düstor 273 (1910), 12 Jamad ul Awal 1328 or 22 May 1910) it seems to be the first copyright code in the empire. WhisperToMe (talk) 11:48, 16 September 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Found more info on this page: Akiba, Jun "From Kadı to Naib: Reorganization of the Ottoman Sharia Judiciary in the Tanzimat Period" in Imer, Colin , ed. Frontiers of Ottoman Studies, 1, London/New York: I.B. Tauris, p. 43 - CITED: p. 59
It says the vilayet law was first published in 1864 in Düstur Volume I, pages 517-538, and the 1867 version was printed in the Düstur Volume I, pages 608-624. It also mentioned "TV 773" but I do not know what it means. Young's page mentions "7 Djem. II 1281" while Jun Akiba's article says: "7 Cümadelahir 1281" (Young uses 8 November 1864 and Akiba says 7 November 1864). I'm guessing the French abbreviation "7 Djem. II" means "Cümadelahir", and this would be Jumaada al-Akhir a.k.a. Jumada al-Thani, correct?
The version we have on the commons, has been published before serialization of the volumes. But, there’s no such a thing in the book! Although, I found a 1872/3 set of Dustur which includes it in page 608. I have to clean-up the files before uploading them to the Commons.
Thank you for the help! I added notes to en:Jumada al-Thani talking about the Turkish dates. Also it seems like the 1864 law is the Danube law, and was a draft, and the 1867 "Law of the Vilayets" law is the final version, right?
Also Cümadelahir is the same as "Cemaziyelahir" (modern Turkish), right?
It is! Thank you! I am also making good use of the dictionaries as I'm citing them for the vocabulary. Previously the ENwiki articles on Islamic months mentioned Arabic names but not Turkish ones, so people seeing the Turkish terms would have gotten confused. By citing and adding Turkish names people reading about the empire will get a clearer picture! I appreciate what you've found :-D WhisperToMe (talk) 16:03, 18 September 2019 (UTC)[reply]
BTW I found some reviews of Corps de droit ottoman and one reviewer noted that it does get spellings of some Turkish names wrong, though he characterized it as a minor thing, and he said some of the spelling mistakes were common (I can send you the review if you like) WhisperToMe (talk) 17:39, 18 September 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Hi again! Please ping me if you are leaving a message for me in your own talk page.
I couldn’t find any evidence of these drafts being published anywhere else. But the authors of these drafts has been dead for more than 70 years and some of it seems to be already on Commons (for example: File:Entwurf Kanun-i Esasi 75–83.jpg) Turkish users may be able to help in finding a HQ scan of them.
BTW, I had already upload 2 versions of the Redhouse's Turkish Dictionary to the commons (1, 2). Please search for the books before uploading them (and check this cat) and also upload the highest quality available. -- Meisam (talk) 22:35, 21 September 2019 (UTC)[reply]
@Meisam: Thanks for the notice! Honestly I didn't even realize that copies of the dictionaries are already there. Anyway I changed the usage on ENwiki to your copy, so the inferior copy can be speedied.
Is it always the case that one needs to download the original JP2s or TIFs and make a PDF out of them? If so, what software do you use to make the PDFs?
I found that the PDFSam program I'm using won't let me build PDF files (without paying extra) out of the original JP2s... Also the fre online PDF makers won't handle JP2 files. WhisperToMe (talk) 10:04, 22 September 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Usually the pdfs on the archive have been compressed and/or put through the OCR (which doesn’t work properly on the Ottoman Turkish language). I always download the original scans and merge them into a pdf without further compressing myself.
I’m using an academic service which runs the Adobe Acrobat pro on an enterprise server for image to PDF conversion. If you are looking for a free software, ImageMagick should be able to do it. -- Meisam (talk) 10:57, 22 September 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Also I checked File:LoiconstitutiveDanubeVilayet.pdf and found original TIFs for that. File:LoiconstitutiveDanubeVilayetnew.pdf has a much sharper resolution though some of the pages (the book cover) don't show up in the new one. If you like you can judge whether the book cover/etc need to be ported over or not, and/or whether some pages should be snipped.
As for three PDFs for larger books (hundreds of pages) I might need help from another user with those as imagemagick seems to hang if I try to convert a book w hundreds of pages.
The quality of the File:OttomanConstEngNew.pdf looks fine to me. If the text is OCR-readable, can you please put it through an OCR software? In this way, the Commons’ search engine can read and index the content of the documents too. BTW, I would say for the English texts printed on a white paper, having the absolute best quality of the scan is not a big deal. Most OCR applications can easily read the text and nothing is lost with a bit of compression.
@Meisam: Thanks for the tips! For the Danube book I think I'll find a way to splice the missing pages onto the HQ PDF. As for the Ottoman Constitution, I put it on Wikisource here: wikisource:Ottoman constitution of 1876 in English and French
Also: I wonder in which issues of the Takvim i Vekayi and/or the Dustur the Nizâmnâme-i Millet-i Ermeniyân occurs in?
In addition a copy of the 1876 Constitution is in Düstūr 1st series (tertïb-i evvel), Volume 4, Pages 4-20. I am interested in linking this document with the other copies of the constitution.
@Meisam: Thanks for the update! As for the constitution, I'll link together the PDFs! Anyway I read that the appendix of this book has a faxed copy of the Armenian millet constitution in the Armenian language, but it was published in Turkey: Artinian, Vartan. Osmanlı Devleti’nde Ermeni Anayasası’nın Doğuşu 1839-1863, tr. Zülal Kılıç (Istanbul: Aras Yayıncılık, 2004). I already have a scan for the Armenian one for that, but there is also a version in Armeno-Turkish (Turkish in Armenian characters) in the appendix and I'm interested in getting a copy of the scan, unless/until an HQ scan is made. WhisperToMe (talk) 17:22, 25 September 2019 (UTC)[reply]
@Meisam: Quick question: I found a book saying the Armenian regulations in Ottoman Turkish were in "Dustur, Istanbul, 1289, II, pp. 938-961". Isn't this one already uploaded? WhisperToMe (talk) 23:58, 7 October 2019 (UTC)[reply]
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File:AirAsiaofficeKLSentral.jpg has been marked as a possible copyright violation. Wikimedia Commons only accepts free content—that is, images and other media files that can be used by anyone, for any purpose. Traditional copyright law does not grant these freedoms, and unless noted otherwise,everything you find on the web is copyrighted and not permitted here. For details on what is acceptable, please read Commons:Licensing. You may also find Commons:Copyright rules useful, or you can ask questions about Commons policies at the Commons:Help desk. If you are the copyright holder and the creator of the file, please read Commons:But it's my own work! for tips on how to provide evidence of that.
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@Solomon203: @EugeneZelenko: Hi! I had intended to photograph the office and not any particular ad. Anyhow I saw what I believe is a cached version of the image and I wonder if it's OK if I cropped out the image of the flight attendant and only had the office exterior (the plain red part w the AirAsia logo) remaining. WhisperToMe (talk) 16:10, 17 July 2020 (UTC)[reply]
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I just uploaded 25 photos of Radium Springs. I noticed on Wikipedia there was an entry for "Radium Springs, Georgia" as an unincorporated community which also had the category of "Seven Natural Wonders of Georgia". I think the Wikipedia Entry has too many categories and there should be an entry for the Springs by itself but I don't know much about Wikipedia. I see articles over categorized over there and that bothers me. On commons I created a category called "Radium Springs (Georgia)" for the springs and a category called "Radium Springs, Georgia" for the unincorporated community. "Radium Springs (Georgia)" will be in the "Radium Springs, Georgia" category. Does this sound good to you? Thanks for your help. --Mjrmtg (talk) 20:43, 8 July 2021 (UTC)[reply]
@Mjrmtg: Thanks for the question! I was thinking the springs would be "Radium Springs" (without disambiguation in the title) as natural features like "Cape May" (the peninsula) are such while the city is "Cape May, New Jersey". I can check the MOS just to be sure. WhisperToMe (talk) 20:59, 8 July 2021 (UTC)[reply]
I didn't know if any other state might have a "Radium Springs", let me know if you want me to move it to that. --Mjrmtg (talk) 21:22, 8 July 2021 (UTC)[reply]
I took a photo of Northeast Middle School today with the correct signage and put it on the "Northeast Campus, Tift County High School" article. Could you move the wikipedia article "Northeast Campus, Tift County High School" to "Northeast Middle School"? Thanks. --Mjrmtg (talk) 21:35, 11 July 2021 (UTC)[reply]
On another subject... Not sure if you've seen I've added your requested photos of Blakely, Jakin and Warner Robins to my talk page. --Mjrmtg (talk) 13:58, 12 September 2021 (UTC)[reply]
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User who nominated the file for deletion (Nominator) : Mitar.
@N509FZ: Thank you! I added the École expérimentale franco-chinoise de Pékin as well as the Korean International School in Beijing and the Sanlitun and Shunyi British schools. I may add some other international schools, although I dont know if there are security considerations for those schools around embassies. WhisperToMe (talk) 21:21, 5 March 2022 (UTC)[reply]
@N509FZ: Yep! I've found that if I go photo hunting for one site, I may stumble upon some others that are also encyclopedic and/or good for the Wikimedia Commons! Anyhow I found Owennson seems to only want metro-related or bus-related requests on that list and not sites that are on metro or bus lines WhisperToMe (talk) 18:51, 6 March 2022 (UTC)[reply]
Ah, you mean that hospital in Xidan? "Peking Union Medical College Hospital (West), No.41 Damucang Hutong, Xicheng District, Beijing,China" according to its website. That's the former Posts and Telecommunications General Hospital (邮电总医院), and I remembered I've been there, but I haven't uploaded its pics. --N509FZTalk前置,有座!Front engine with seats!02:36, 23 May 2022 (UTC)[reply]
If you created this file, please note that the fact that it has been proposed for deletion does not necessarily mean that we do not value your kind contribution. It simply means that one person believes that there is some specific problem with it, such as a copyright issue. Please see Commons:But it's my own work! for a guide on how to address these issues.
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I saw you asking someone about getting photos in Georgia. I make it to the Atlanta area often, and much of the southeast part of the state. I'll take a look at your photo requests. Bubba73 (talk) 21:00, 20 February 2023 (UTC)[reply]
@TilmannR: Thank you for asking! It was taken at the latest in 2014. Several of my photos uploaded around this time had wrong EXIF dates. Some of those photos have LED displays which state real dates, and I wonder if a computer program could calculate the real dates. WhisperToMe (talk) 15:43, 4 March 2023 (UTC)[reply]
Calculating the real dates would certainly be possible, if we can figure out the real date of one of those images and assuming that the camera's date is just off by a fixed amount.
Let me make some progress on this list before we start another but for anything "urgent" LOL just FYI I'm happier going inland (east) and toward the South Bay (south) than north to Malibu/San Fernando/Conejo whatever. Cheers. :)
@Mjrmtg: Thank you so much! I also sorted the photos and put them in articles! Anyhow, the official site on the bottom now identifies the David Road site as Jefferson County K12 School. However while the elementary school is now on the same property as the middle/high school, I am not sure if the building is visible from the public roads. I tried to find it from a public angle on Google Maps but Im having trouble... WhisperToMe (talk) 16:09, 23 April 2023 (UTC)[reply]